Question about the video : Folding ranges and deck analysis.
Posted by kingkong
Posted by kingkong posted in Mid Stakes
Question about the video : Folding ranges and deck analysis.
Hi, I saw the video Folding range and deck analysis of Stelios Serefidis, and at about 4:15 he says like : Ax = Kx = Qx ... = 2x = 198 combos.
I just don't understand how he counts the combos & what it means. I guess it means there is 198 combos of Ax, and Kx, and Qx... since after he says when we remove an A it goes to 147. I just don't understand how those maths are done because 198/16 = 12.375 and it can not be a number with a decimal. Then I thought maybe he just count offsuit ? so 198/12 = 16.5. Then I just don't know... I thought maybe it's just an approximation since people may not play all those Ax but then it would not be exactly 198... There must be something I don't understand there.
Thank you!
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