Question about MDF on the river and solvers approach to this. ( nl50 hand )
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Low Stakes
Question about MDF on the river and solvers approach to this. ( nl50 hand )
I want to ask a question about MDF on River and PokerSnowie's advice in a certain spot.
I played this hand:
[b]PokerStars - $0.50 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players[/b]
[i][url=]Hand converted by PokerTracker 4[/url][/i]
UTG: 247.68 BB
MP: 189.04 BB
[b]Hero (CO): 187.14 BB[/b]
BTN: 108.2 BB
SB: 102.74 BB
BB: 166.16 BB
SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
[b]Pre Flop:[/b] i[/i] [b]Hero[/b] has J:diamond: J:heart:
[color=red]UTG raises to 3 BB[/color], [i]fold[/i], [b]Hero[/b] calls 3 BB, [i]fold[/i], [color=red]SB raises to 15 BB[/color], [i]fold[/i], [i]fold[/i], [b]Hero[/b] calls 12 BB
[b]Flop:[/b] i[/i] 3:club: 6:club: Q:heart:
[color=red]SB bets 10.66 BB[/color], [b]Hero[/b] calls 10.66 BB
[b]Turn:[/b] i[/i] 6:spade:
SB checks, [b]Hero[/b] checks
[b]River:[/b] i[/i] 2:heart:
[color=red]SB bets 77.08 BB and is all-in[/color], [i]fold[/i]
SB wins 52.56 BB
So in this spot, our MDF is 58,2%.
PokerSnowie range is: JJ, TT and 64% of AQs.
And something I cannot understand is: PokerSnowie is folding here everything, but AQs.
12 combos of JJ-TT - fold. ( calling with JJ would be -35bb EV according to PokerSnowie )
2,64 combos of AQs - call.
So we are calling only 18% of our range instead of 58,2%.
I wonder why is that? Maybe because it is a river and Snowie doesn't know what it is doing? Or this is the correct play? But hard to imagine that this is correct since the villain can just make a shove with the whole range 100% of the time and showing big profit in this spot.
So, in GTO can we call less than MDF on the river and that's OK?
And also what true solvers may say about this hand?
Thanks for any comments and thoughts about this kind of spot.
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