QTs call or fold vs C/R?
Posted by Archer1066
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Low Stakes
QTs call or fold vs C/R?
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players)
BN: $121.83
SB: $56.16
BB: $52.51
UTG: $51.50
MP: $19.73
CO: $59.01 (Hero)
SB: $56.16
BB: $52.51
UTG: $51.50
MP: $19.73
CO: $59.01 (Hero)
Hero is CO with
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Final Pot
BB wins $20.85
Rake is $1.10
Rake is $1.10
Villan is a 30/23 with a 18% 3b over 60 hands.
My call is probably a bit wide pre-flop? considering the rake at 50z and the sample is small so his 3bet migt be smaller
On the flop we have tainted outs but we have position and good odds but I feel most people c/r a strong range here, thoughts?
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Whether or not you call this really comes down to how wide you bet in this spot when checked to I think, you're going to get exploited if you have a high betting frequency then let too much go facing a raise but if you're checking back a lot of hands maybe you can let this go with no club but I really don't want to fold out this much equity so if you're against an aggressive villain I'd consider checking this back sometimes to just realise more equity.
Folding seems fine. Againts a range of two pair+ and some AcQx type of bluffs your equity realization is pretty bad and none of your outs are nutted.
Preflop call seems perfectly fine, especially when villains stats are pretty aggro over a small sample (less likely that he is a nit).
easy fold, he can have flush right now, or you can have only six outs.
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