QQ xr in 3way
Posted by Trinity
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Low Stakes
QQ xr in 3way
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
BN: $29.84
SB: $45.52
BB: $27.74
UTG: $14.80
MP: $40.33 (Hero)
CO: $20.73
SB: $45.52
BB: $27.74
UTG: $14.80
MP: $40.33 (Hero)
CO: $20.73
Hero is MP with
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utg 45/6 over 30 hands, btn 18/10 over 120 hands
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River shove is 72bb effective into 100bb pot
Final Pot
MP wins $23.62
Rake is $1.37
Rake is $1.37
Question 1: How do you manage the cbet node? I know that in theory it's close to a range check given the amount of unpaired hands in my range. But do we want to follow theory in a 3way spot with 2 recs?
Question 2: Is this strong enough to play like this ?
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Tricky spot as these MW-pots are a beast.
But im fine with it. BU is so tight that he shouldnt have much 5x and if has 88/66 so be it.
Folding with the Qs OTR is also not a thing i guess at this SPR
So i would expect the decision between XC and jam is close in EV anyways.
Idk if "range check" applies to mwp woth a 40/6... if they have like AK or 88 they're incentivized to call. As lkng as you get it in eventually im good with it.xr otf just feels like fps.
Hey Trinity
For Preflop I would 4x. UTGs calling range is not going to change if you raise it anther 1/2bb. this helps your win rate over all. I like to think about how big of a mistake I can force weak players to make pre flop.
Flop I think we can bet or check with intention to check raise. If button is an agro fish I check to him if they are both very passive I am more inclined to C-bet this flop.
"Question 2: Is this strong enough to play like this ?"
I am not sure about this. I was trying to think about what hands are calling are Jam 99-JJ?
Maybe A8
what are your thoughts on his calling range? I think in theory we should be block betting small and checking some %.
By the river are hand is much weaker.
Hi soup.
Would you still 4x if you had regs behind who 3bet aggresively ?
Honestly i didn't think much about his calling range, i don't have info about him being sticky or not, also because this is a zoom hand. Main reason i shove is i don't want to x/f with a 70% pot bet remaining, he'd probably check behind most of the pairs I beat, so jam looked like the best option. Didn't think about block either. I would be really uncomfortable blocking at this spr, what would you do facing a shove ?
At least 4x when Isoing... you can do your standard open plus the limper - for most people this is 3x + 1 - if the regs 3b behind you will deal accordingly as any shark would.
my standard open is 2.2x from the hj so it would be 3.2x
I am kind of indifferent here. Not real thrilled to check and face a bet here so I think I prefer getting it in on river by jamming (when we get here in this line).
We unblock any 5x/FD's. I think he can realistically have all A5s/65s/54s/22. Thats 10 combos. If he is calling 55/22, he is likely calling 99/88/77/66. Assuming he never folds preflop and rarely squeezes within this range, I feel pretty confident flop to turn. Not to mention the call way too many suited hands here, so there are FD's in play. There are 8 solid outs for naked FD's, Qh is a turn I think you get max value out of by the end of the hand.
Long story short, you crush all but 10 or so combos (unless he plays AA/KK this way). Put 66/77 in his range, you are now in a dominating position flop to turn.
I think his range is diluted enough flop to turn that filled BDFD's are pretty unlikely too. We block the best BDFD's that would continue vs XR. AQss/KQss/QJss and of course there is 43s sometimes but I don't think they continue all 43s preflop in this line.
I am more worried about turned/rivered sets than I am close BDFD's. I think 99-22 is going to be in their range a lot pre. Some guys will squeeze TT (I would here sometimes), but some will call it.
If you completely disregard your cards, I think U simply get enough folds here on the river over a large sample and this fact alone makes me want to just go with it. You are risking 75% pot so the bet needs to work 43%+. He is going to have some winners here (I think 66 fills them sometimes and I think 88 fills them sometimes).
On a side note, I am pretty happy to get isolated vs a shorty (60% stack) and pretty much wreck him over the course of a large sample when you compare QQ with the fishy limp/calls you see. Therefore, I think I am going to 5 or 6bb as my iso here.
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