QQ UTG facing squeeze
Posted by esso.g
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Low Stakes
QQ UTG facing squeeze
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players)
UTG: $5.67 (Hero)
MP: $7.09
CO: $5.07
BN: $6.24
SB: $5.02
BB: $5.20
MP: $7.09
CO: $5.07
BN: $6.24
SB: $5.02
BB: $5.20
Hero is UTG with
, , , , ,
CU is 19/12 over 74 hands
D is 24/9 over 94 hands
SB is 20/18 over 97 hands / 7% 3bet pf / 3 bet once from SB / squeeze 0/6 / agg factor 2.3
what is best move here in that situation?
i feel like SB is not doing that squeeze move vs 3 player with a lot of bad hands. Maybe like AK AA KK QQ
vs that range i dont necessaraly do very well and theres a lot of money in the pot for what ive invested. Ratio is 2 - 1.
4 betting dosent feel right so i should call?
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No big sample but I think since villain is 20/18 he isn't squeezing lighter than JJ+,AQo+,AQs+ so there is absolutely no reason to 4bet QQ here.
Even if we can profitably 4bet it's still likely that calling is more profitable.
Imo regs tends to wide their squeeze range if they are between fun players.
There is so much dead money that I wouldn't mind shoving pre.
Calling allows the villains left to act just call as well, and will be boring to play a squeezed multiway pot
Its not the best spot but I think I d 4 bet this. If not then probably a fold!?. Calling you are probably just top set mining as most boards that where you don t have a set your gonna get crushed. Not really a great spot but gotta be enough dead $$ in the middle that we can just go with it preflop.
i decided to fold cause i felt like i would be in a akward situation a lot....
but if i call pf and CU or D shove.... do i call?
Yes, CO or BU (most of time) won't have a QQ+ backraise range imo.
Fold pre is not bad if you're not comfortable, too.
If CO shoves and Button and SB fold you call.
If CO shoves and SB calls you fold (SB is unlikely to stack off with AKo pre and you're not doing well against QQ+, AKs).
If CO folds and button shoves and SB folds you call.
If CO folds and button shoves and SB calls you fold.
If CO calls and Button shoves and SB calls you call (high Chance SB is stacking off with AKo here because of all the dead money).
Imo it's super easy to play QQ vs such narrow ranges,
First of all I'm not expecting too much bullshit like A5s in SB range.
It's possible he has a range like AA KK QQ AK.
When there is a K or an A on the flop you're dead and can just fold to any bet basically,
When there is a Q on the board you can slowplay and let him bluff off/valuetown his stack.
When there is a Jack high flop I'm calling a small bet on the flop, folding to a big one.
When there is a Ten high flop or lower I definitely want to peel one but if he makes it too big I'm always folding because I don't believe that villain wants to invest so much if he whiffed with AK.
i disagree with you logic of calling tho
if an A or K falls your folding
J high bored your folding to big bet calling small bet
10 high your calling small folding big
you only happy on Q high bored essentially you just set mining with QQ
i agree i dont expect the to be super light but i still think we can 4B QQ
i would hate to flat call then have another bunch of players flat behind be
I'm actually information mining if anything.
4betting yields a small positive Ev but I'm very confident that I can top this by flatting.
but if i 4bet.... dont you call villains are only calling me with over pairs or AK which my equity sucks...
really not sure about 4 betting
sick spot
I dont like logic of 4betting. Do you guys 4betting here as standard UTGvsSB? I think its more standard to call AK/QQ to 3bets playing UTG/MP as opponents 3bets are usually like 5-6% in these spots. So why would we prefer to 4bet this hand if opponent range is now even tighter, because its squeezed pot?
I dont mind calling preflop and playing against like 5% range. If somoene joins the pot, we are ok setmining and winning pot like 10-15% time playing good boards.
I mind 4betting, making him fold all hands that we dominate (stuff like KQs/AQo/JJ etc.) to face shoves from like top 2% range.
Another thing that i hate about 4betting is that it would look super strong and we would invest like 30% of our stack into this, so it would be super awkward against shove when some guys wouldnt even shove AK in SB shoes in this spot.
really like your argument about making fold KQs AQo JJ exactly what i thought... after this conversation i totally feel like calling and set minning is the best... i didnt really felt comfortable calling because of bet size but after reviewing i have to go with my hand and assume that i have to fold a lot when there is no Q or lower cards on flop
@esso.g we Are only setmining when we're multiway. Whenever we're heads up we still try to find out how he plays his AQ AK JJ KQs and Try to bluffcatch against that.
The main tendency of players at micros is that they like to bet once as a bluff but I feel they fire the 2nd barrel they have it, not so much in a single raised pot, but in a squeezed pot They have it if they fire flop+turn.
However once we decide to fold QQ to big flop Cbets and call vs small he can adapt by betting Kinda big with his bluffs to generate a lot of foldequity and give up turn or he can decide to bet his whole range small.
If he bets small we have to call because we expect it's a high frequency bet possibly with his whole range. But now he can double barrel the turn (possibly small again) and get us to fold a lot.
Would you consider that BB can have a wider range 'cos he is squeezing?
I think it's correct to not have a 4-betting range in UTG/MP vs SB/BB against most opponents. The reason is that you usually end up having a transparent range where your 4-betting range consists of QQ+ and no bluffs. I would prefer to call with my whole continuing range.
it's 5NL vs an unknown, we do have position and he basically used a 4bet sizing... I think I'm calling but I hate seeing 2 people overcall this betsize because they count in euros and not in BB. I don't know how much this situation arises, but I might prefer just shipping it I mean our SPR would be 2 OTF, sure we're face up but it's 5NL they're usually just looking at their own 2cards.
The only right answer you'll find in your database, filter for squeeze preflop and look at the range of hands people are using from the blinds. Don't forget the times you can pick up the pot preflop, rakeless and denying villains equity in the pot
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