QQ straddle pot on a 4 liner
Posted by RunItTw1ce
Posted by RunItTw1ce posted in Mid Stakes
QQ straddle pot on a 4 liner
$2 (btn)-$3 (SB)-$5(BB)-$10(UTG)
9 handed game.
folds around to SB who completes.
hero ($700) QQ raises to $35
utg folds.
SB ($295) calls.
Flop ($80) K-Q-Jr
SB check, hero $25, SB thinks for like 20 seconds and calls.
Turn ($130) K-Q-J-Ar
SB quickly donk bets $100 with about $130 behind. Hero calls.
River ($330) K-Q-J-A-9
SB all in $130, Hero calls.
Villain is a recreational player, not known to bluff and is very passive preflop. Mostly comes to play the tourney in the morning and will splash around in the cash games once in a while. My thought on the hand was the donk lead for near pot on the turn doesn't make a lot of sense if you have the nuts. Also the timing on the flop, given my small bet, Tx would call much faster given the odds.
Preflop for RFI I was using $15+$5 per limper, straddle pots I was using $25 + $10 per limper. What are your thoughts on this given ($300-$700) stack sizes?
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