QQ in a live game

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QQ in a live game

Playing 5-10 with an occasional $25 straddle

Hero on the button with QQ (2400 effective), 2 limpers (who are massive fish), MP ($2k) makes it $75 we 3 bet to 275, limpers fold and he clicks back to $650

first time playing with a villain, Asian guy probably in his early 30s - wasn't a nit.

What are thoughts on jamming vs. flatting?


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i-hate-soup 2 years, 5 months ago

Jamming would be bad here IMHO. We are only going to get called by better hands. Maybe some AK.

Why not play hand in postion with 150bbs+ behind.

We are going to be able to make it tough on villian with postional advantage.

ryanx129 2 years, 1 month ago

Haha, I ended up in this hand in a smaller stakes game and the villain turned up AA. (i got stacked)
pre flop play (1/2 live cash we each had 350ish behind)
him: raise 15 (standard raise)
me: three bet 30
him: four bet 115
me: shove

Call imo...

Your case was somewhat different but I think the general idea is the same. JJ or pocket 10's probably just flats your three bet or shoves I think... him four betting for value makes more sense for something like AA/KK. So basically the value hands of his range have you crushed (with the exception of AK) and you are just ahead of four bet bluffs which will fold to a shove.

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