QQ get raise on flop

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QQ get raise on flop

  1. villain: 21/14 28hand AF 4%

i think he will had lot of spp and flush draw.
should i check flop?
what will you do when get raise on spr pot?

  1. villain 42/32 30hand AF 2.5

what should i do with check/raise in 3bp?
what do you think about how to play hand like this one?


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dissection 8 years, 5 months ago

First hand - Well, without any special info or huge sample on villain I think it is easy fold OTF. Especially when you are holding Q of spades, which blocks a lot of FDs villain could have, which means his range will be even more set heavy.

If we give villain PF range something likes this: QQ-33,AKo-AQo,AKs-ATs,KQs,JTs,T9s,98s,87s,76s and we think he will raise both with FDs and sets > we will have only ~40% equity, which really sucks, because if we will give away just few combos of those FDs from this raising range ... we will be crushed. Like let's say he will not raise with FDs like: 67s, 78s, 89s (maybe he could raise with this one, but let's say no for now), T9s and JTs > we will have only ~26%.

Second hand - I don't think it is wise to 3bet QQ against EP as a default play. I would just call. As played I think it is again easy fold OTF. Similar story as above (we again are holding Q of spades which makes villains range more set heavy + he could have two pair now with T9s - if he is opening wide enough and defending wide enough from EP.

Dddogkillah 8 years, 5 months ago

Hand one there are plenty of FD's and gutters despite blocking the Qs.
You raise you isolate with sets and supper nutted FD's AQss A4ss A5ss etc...

Hand two:
3 betting or calling is fine pre flop. EP calling three should be tight, given his sizing I think it should be a call. We have position and close to 30% against t9s+,AsJs, KsJs, AsKs. Blockers will be a thing here and this should probably be a fold if he was raising any larger.

dissection 8 years, 5 months ago

Hand one: Well, I wouldn't say plenty, but ofc there are still a bunch of FDs. BTW: I presume you misstyped A4ss ;)

Han two: I agree with calling OTF. I missread the hand - the raise size is really low.

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