QQ facind 5-bet 150BBs deep in loose dynamics.

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QQ facind 5-bet 150BBs deep in loose dynamics.

HJ: 52.21
CO: 154.63 (Hero)
BN: 100
SB: 180.31
BB: 106.31
UTG: 100
SB is loose regular who could make fairly loose hero-calls, I had about 2.5k hands on him. He 3bets ~18% and 19,2% vsHero, especially vs CO and BTN, vs which his 3bet is 31% and 18% respectively. He fold to 4bet approximately 55. I'd been folding and sometimes passively defending against his PF aggression before that. Even so, I’ve decided to 4bet here, cuz for me it’s relatively easy 4bet for value. I wasn’t expecting him to fold a lot here, also I have to defend my QQ against overcards.

But he's made 5-bet. His TOT 5-bet-range is 6% and I don't know what play would be the best here. Thoughts?

P.S. Sorry for bad english :)
Preflop (1.50) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt Q Q
UTG folds, HJ folds, Hero raises to 2, BN folds, SB raises to 7, BB folds, Hero raises to 18, SB raises to 32, Hero raises to 154.63, and is all in, SB calls 122.63
Flop (337.76) 7 6 9 (2 Players)
Turn (337.76) 7 6 9 5 (2 Players)
River (337.76) 7 6 9 5 K (2 Players)
Final Pot
SB wins 305.26


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datrue 10 years, 6 months ago

I would flat his 5bet. Given our positional advantage and that we are 150bb deep I guess it can't be that bad. You could also play vs a weaker range of his 5bet, even though I doubt he ever bluffs there. Also I don't see him calling ever with worse. Plus our hand plays fairly easy in A,K boards.

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