QQ btn v blind 4bet pot NL25
Posted by Alex Geiger
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Alex Geiger
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Low Stakes
QQ btn v blind 4bet pot NL25
Villain: 20/16 BTN3Bet: 5,6 3Bet BB vs BTN: 5 Fto4bet: BB 1/4
I think his call was the worse option he could do, because we were BTN v Blind, and He'll be out of position anyway.
His range is capped, so I excluded QQ+ AK hands from his hand range. Because obivously He'll stack off preflop with them.
I can't put him on a certain range. He may have 88 99 TT JJ AJs, something like JTs QTs KTs. Please explain me guys when somebody call my 4bet, oop, BTN v Blind, what combos should I take his range in and why?? I cbet because I couldn't imagine many Ax combos in his range (I'm bocking AQ-s). On the turn I said He could picked up some FD, and If I bet, he can push it with FE, and river EQ. I think it's even more true because I don't have Qh, and there some more FD combinations in his turn range. If I use a betsize like $5, He can jam it, with many worse hands, imho.
I'm very interested about this party, and about the exactness of this thread
Thank You!
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Your 4bet is way too small. With only 2.2$ to call, he can call anything. I would 4bet to 6.2-6.5, cbet this board and check back on this turn.
Yeah, this 4bet was pretty small, but I though He'll 5bet loose Btn v Blind if I use this click-size.
I'm more inclined to flat this IP. I think by adding QQ into our Button raise/Calling range strengthens our overall hand range IP.
1) QQ plays well IP VS a standard OOP light 3-bet, and by 4-betting QQ, out raise/calling range will be totally unbalanced on AXX,KXX,QKX type of board textures.
**) As played Check IP, and try to get to showdown. If Villain bets on river street, I'd be more inclined to fold QQ, since your not beating much of his perceived value range.
U're absolutely right, He'll have a very wide range if I just flat from the BU against BB.
4bet is too small, you´re not inducing (m)any light shoves, I guess it´s more likely that Villain gets scared of precisely AA. So, make a normal 4bet and go from there. As played, you just gave Villain odds of > 4:1 which is just atrocious with 3 cards to come.
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