QQ 3bi get xr all in OTT
Posted by zerocool
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Low Stakes
QQ 3bi get xr all in OTT
will you xb turn? if xb,look's like give him a free card.
will you bet/call this hand?
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Very annoying spot and i guess in game i would have chosen the same line. But if we look closer: what hands do we hope to get value from OTT? The only hand i see here is JJ.
As we are deeper a bit i expect all 2p/sets/straights to be in villains range while we block most of his GS/FD combos. So we are only looking for protection vs AK (which might already fold OTF), some KJ and 56s/78s maybe and value from JJ (or AhTh maybe). Looks kind of thin to bet here i would say.
I would say in theory it is just , meh I need to call shove. His flop calling range - JJ-66, 56, 87, JT, T9, FDs,QT, QJ, AQbd+. Does this turn improves him - for sure, but do we really can fold ? Ahh it is super close, probably folding is nitty but might be right vs nits:D
I looked sim a bit and OOP should donk this flop failry often, so we doesnt do that we need to be carefull on the flop and checking a lot IP.
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