QQ 3bet pot IP 230bb deep
Posted by NickHalden
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Low Stakes
QQ 3bet pot IP 230bb deep
SB: $12.26
BB: $24.85
UTG: $16.67
MP: $53.67
CO: $38.13
Villain is a nit reg 17/12 WWSF 37 Won at SD when bet river 4/5, fold to 3bet 38
I decided to check OTF because we are deep, it's hard to have 3 street of value and villain had JJ/TT on his range so checking for some pot control and induce
Villain probe turn on non 3bet pot is 1/7 (I don't have info on 3bet pot) but I can't imagine he is doing this with non value hands, I think he at least have AJ here, call seems fine to me.
Now OTR we face an overbet from a nit reg, his value range is TT/22/JJ/88 (10 combos) that I lose, and maybe 2 combos of KK that don't 4bet pre so 12 combos.
I don't think he overbets with AJs for value.
We need like 6 combos as a bluff, we block KQ and we block some hearts combos with Qh, so we have a call here ?
I forgot to mention that our hand is underrep by the line we take here.
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Call we beat TJs, chop with QQ, villain can bluff KQ,AQ
Yes we lose to about 10 combos, So you need 4 combos of worse, TJs + some bluffs will get you there. I see that its not a super happy spot vs a nit, but still its a call I think
How much hands on villain do you have?
call lol
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