QQ 3bet pot EP vs HJ vs good reg
Posted by BubbleNedRum
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Low Stakes
QQ 3bet pot EP vs HJ vs good reg
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
BN: $36.18
SB: $33.21
BB: $44.90
UTG: $26.89
MP: $36.73 (Hero)
CO: $128.61
SB: $33.21
BB: $44.90
UTG: $26.89
MP: $36.73 (Hero)
CO: $128.61
Hero is MP with
, , ,
Final Pot
UTG wins $9.27
Rake is $0.44
Rake is $0.44
I am fairly happy with how I have played the hand and would play it again like this, just wanted to see if anyone would do something different.
Villain is a good reg with whom I have played a lot in SnGs, but now it seems he plays like me CG only.
He is playing 20/16 over 380 hands, 11% RFI EP
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Think i might call QQ vs UTG raise. Depends how aggressively he is defending 3 bet. As played I would definitely be bet/calling that flop. Otherwise what hands are you betting on that flop?
I think i check my entire range on the flop. The reason being that we dont have any sets, while he has all of them.
Interesting I wouldn't have thought that 77-88 would be in the UTG calling 3 bet range. I guess if we could throw those out that would change things?
It is in mine at least. Depending on the table I usually open from something like 44/55 and then fold out the weakest ones when getting 3bet. 77 is usually the first combo that I pretty much always defend vs reasonable sizing.
Villain for calling the 3b has a range of (25%)77-(100%)QQ, some AJs+, some slowplays (20%)KK/AA, AK and kindof that's it (if he really opens ~10-12% from EP). So this board is not great for you, you still got around RvR equity 50% so in position you are looking to bet some hands. Like a solver suggests mostly 50%cb, 50% check, with cbets AA, TT(50% if you have preflop), some FDs, and mixin rarely 1-2overpairs. With QQ you should kindof mostly check here, for logical reasons, that you wont have 3streets of value on too many runouts, with this combo if you decide to bet like a small blocksize p33 bet, you should mainly fold to a raise...but we will 80-90% check this back.
After that is kindof an easy turn call, we still got a lot of equity to call. This river is just a fold mostly, you have all the JJ combos here so its not that terrible to fold QQ (altough you still going to fold too much, so might look for 1-2 hero calls with QQ).
Seems like you played this hand quiet well sir mostly for maximum EV :)
thanks, that is pretty much what I thought as well :)
Thanks for that, need to reconsider my play clearly...
Although strictly for max EV if the ranges are correct and other person is playing optimally. Worth considering though. Thanks again.
You are welcome guys. Yes most of the solutions uses some kind of assumptions about ranges and some restricted game tree (like not all betsizes and stuff), so if those are not true solutions kind of not that valid anymore, but mostly they will be pretty close to a good play.
The other part is even if he is not playing optimally, but you don't know what he does on the flop and how he plays hes range, then still mostly GTO solution will be the maximum EV solution cause of its definiton: GTO is just maximum exploitable solutions by both of players at the same time.
GL at the tables
seems fine
If he has enough Jx in his range for you to be folding river why aren't you betting flop?
Defiantly betting the flop for me
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