QQ, 180BB deep, weird river spot

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QQ, 180BB deep, weird river spot

Blinds: $0.10/$0.20 (6 Players) BB: $21.06
UTG: $36.14
MP: $86.98 (Hero)
CO: $20.00
BN: $12.50
SB: $23.78
Villain is a 23/18/6 player (2k+ hands). His flop cbet/turn 2nd barrel are quite high with 65% and 70%. Besides that, I don't have any reads.
Preflop ($0.30) Hero is MP with Q Q
UTG raises to $0.60, Hero calls $0.60, CO folds, BN calls $0.60, 2 folds
I just called preflop to induce a squeeze from the loose shortstacked BTN.
Flop ($2.10) 5 8 3
UTG bets $1.60, Hero calls $1.60, BN folds
Do you think raising the flop is better?

Turn ($5.30) 5 8 3 J
UTG bets $3.60, Hero raises to $7.77, UTG calls $4.17
I raised to get value from AJ, the Ace of spades/X, the King of spades/X, worse PP's, straight draws like 76, T9. My plan is to bet safe rivers or otherwise check behind . I don't think he will bluff shove/semi-bluff shove here very often.
River ($20.84) 5 8 3 J 4
UTG bets $11.60
Now that donk polarizes his range to the Ace of spades/X or bluffs. We only need to be good here around 25% of the time, but are we ever good here? I mean our HR after the turn raise is AJ,JJ, Overpairs,Flushes,Ace of spades,X. So I think he is valuebetting here and almost never bluffs?

What do you think guys? Thank you.

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