PT4 Stats review & study advice (?)
Posted by Degradavais
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Low Stakes
PT4 Stats review & study advice (?)
Hi guys,
Can someone review these stats that I played at 10NL?
Might be very low stakes for everyone out there but I'm taking my game serious and I'm about to move up to 25NL.
Any advice would be very much appreciated! I am a bit worried about my call R Cbet as this is way off.
Also, I'm trying to review my hands and filter hands trough my PT4 database.
Does someone have good tips for this? E.g. I just studied 3,5 hours on calling 3bets oop preflop, using all the hands I have collected in this spot.
Once again, thank you!
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cant see shit make it bigger thats wut she said
Can't make it bigger it'll fuck up the graphics
As for studying, my typical approach is checking every >15bb pot.
Then if I see a repetitive mistake, for example calling vs x/r on the turn too wide or whatever I find, just filter it out and go through all these situations. Make a sticky note, and get through it before next sessions.
From time to time, I also like to analyze the population stats (and then ranges). There are also some frequencies that seem very exploitable (but it's always good to go through the hands in question, as the weird frequencies might just come up from variance).
Mmmmh ... running hot? Ignoring winrate (where sample is too small anyways to assess), the following figures strike me:
1) fold3bet - seems too high; you're not defending enough; it would be interesting to filter for hands where you called 3bet - I'd expect to be at least breakeven! Consider, that a hand folded to a 3bet means -250bb / 100 (depending on betsize obv.). That is your baseline.
2) WTSD in combination with W$SD is almost incredible, especially given cbet and cbet-call%.
Overall it's probably just a sample size problem, it's really hard to draws meaningful conclusions from anything below 100k hands, but these stats really look confusing. :-)
1) that’s mainly the reason I made this thread:
I filtered my pt4 database on calling 3bets preflop, and I am significantly losing in these spots.(-550bb/100)
I actually wanted to cut out small PP’s and SC’s to ramp this up a bit.
You’re saying I should call more? What range of hand would you suggest to do that with in general?
Also, maybe the fact that it's 10NL, they're not 3betting light as much as they do in 50NL+? I might be wrong on this
2) cbet call% too high or too low?
And no I’m actually running a few stacks below EV :)
Thanks for your time!
Does not matter, EV is only one aspect of running hot. Imagine you get AA any single hand. Then you lose 3/10 times, that would show you running below EV, still you're running like a sun-rider. :)
Regarding 3bets - again, you are destined to lose like 250bb/100 after opening (2.5x) and then fold to 3bets. Are you losing more? Or losing right about that amount? In that case, you're probably doing it just right - even though it's surprising. Would be interesting to compare those position-wise and see how often you get 3-bet (in each position). But again, that needs a bigger sample.
Filter says whenever I 2bet, and then fold to a 3bet, I overall lost 277bb/100.
But I see what you mean, in no position did this occur more often then 100 times.
It's just that I'm losing whenever I call 3bets pre overall
That is normal, don't worry!! Remember - once you get 3-bet, your opponent "tells" you that he has the best hand. That is not always true (obviously), but often enough. And you're in defense mode - and your goal is to LIMIT YOUR LOSS! Not to win!!
Your baseline is - 100% FOLD. That means, in case you open 2.5x, you'd lose 250bb/100 if you fold anytime you get 3-bet. If your "winrate" is better than -250bb/100 (enter your real opensize times -100 here) it's good, if it's worse, it's not so good. So, don't expect to win or even get break-even, always look at the baseline.
That is true by the way for any spot you're looking at. If you're interested in cbet-defense, think about what you're losing in case you'd always fold to a cbet. Again, that's your baseline. Anything better is at least "good" (maybe not sufficient, but that's another topic), anything worse is definitely bad.
Concerned about your own cbet? Take checking as baseline. Filter to comparable hand strengths (i.e. mid pair), then compare checking and cbetting.
Hope that helps. :)
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