Preflop Strategy
Posted by Pokerlogical
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Preflop Strategy
Hi I'm trying to find optimal openraising Ranges in a highly raked Environment eg Micro Zoom Games.
How about These ones?
UTG 66+,A2s-A5s,A9s+,AJo+,KTs+,KQo,QTs+,JTs,T9s,98s
Questions about UTG Openraising.
How Do you Feel about openraising A6-A8s vs unknowns?
What about 22-55 vs unknowns?
Im too tired to continue this Post but I appreciate solid Preflop recomandations for Micro Zoom 6max
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I use this exact range, except that I open 55 as well. But im sure 22-44 and A6-A8s can be profitable if you have a large skill edge over field. I open them on soft tables
what ranges do you use for MP and CO RFI? if you don't mind me asking
MP is pretty similar, I just add all pocket pairs, all suited Ax and I add K8s-T8s. I forgot to mention that I open J9s-A9s UTG as well. So those go in MP too. CO is really table dependent. I go from 27% to 35% depending on the players on blinds/button
for CO, what about this range vs the hardest table?
then this one vs the softest table?
seems good
almost good, id take off the offsuit ace rag, A8o+
we lose 5.5% by taking off A2o-A7o which brings us down to 29.4%. what would you use if not ace rags?
KJo, ATo, A8s-A6s, 98s, 76s, 65s, 44-22 I open 50% of the time UTG
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