Preflop spot: shove or 3-bet small?
Posted by belrio42
Posted by belrio42 posted in Low Stakes
Preflop spot: shove or 3-bet small?
Blinds: $0.50/$1.00 (5 Players)
BN: $55.69
SB: $191.94
BB: $80.00 (Hero)
UTG: $20.00
CO: $47.47
SB: $191.94
BB: $80.00 (Hero)
UTG: $20.00
CO: $47.47
UTG is weaker player.
Hero is BB with
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Villain is weak. I'm assuming that he opens something like: 22+, A9s+, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, AJo+, KQo (13% of hands.)
Rather basic question, but I am unsure of how to handle this spot. Should I shove here, or 3-bet to something like 8.5BB?
The problem with shoving is: I'm investing 19BB to win 3.5BB, which seems a bit excessive.
The problem with 3-betting to 8.5BB is that if he shoves, I'm getting 28% pot odds, so I have to call with almost anything I 3-bet. So I don't really have the possibility of a 3-bet bluff. So I might as well shove.
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