Preflop ranges - Is there a consensus?
Posted by AceSweaty
Posted by AceSweaty posted in Low Stakes
Preflop ranges - Is there a consensus?
I've been away from the games for a while... Is there a general consensus emerging for the best pre-flop play in each of these spots:
1) BTN calling ranges - Am I right in thinking linear 3-betting ranges IP as well as OOP are advocated more now? Especially with weaker off-suit broadway hands?
2) SB calling ranges - When I last played the game opinion was split but many advocated not having an SB call range because of squeezing from the BB. Is this still the case vs BTN opens in particular because both ranges are weaker?
3) 3-betting vs EP - When I last played I remember some advocated no 3-betting range against 6m UTG because the frequency was too low. High stakes games seem to have a lot of 3-betting vs EP though, is this because 4bets can be flat IP? What about blinds vs 6m UTG?
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