Preflop GTO ranges !!
Posted by Bulka
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High Stakes
Preflop GTO ranges !!
Hello guys ,
i'm searching gto preflop ranges for cash and mtt at various stack deept did some top reg have an idea where i can find something
without spending 1k dollars for only ranges ...
Thanks in advance bros and sorry for my bad english i'm a french fish ^^
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Hey, I have simple preflop and a pretty powerful computer, what are you looking for?
Thanks for your answer im looking for 9 max preflop opening ranges between 150 bb deep (cashno antes) going down to 20bb deep (mtt with antes) and ranges vs an opener as weel like what are the good 3betting and cold calling ranges acording to gto to various stack deept and if the presence of an antes have a big impact on the range we should vpip according to gto
My english is not amazing i hope to be clearr
Thank you very much for your time
So. just so you know. Doing one tree at 150bb deep could take a few weeks. Especially for a nine max table. The trees are enormous. Have you taken a look at Modern Poker Theory? The book by Micahel Acevedo? His preflop chapters on cash and tournament play are pretty extensive.
Hi, I have the book but I haven't opened it up yet... since you seems you know what you are talking about (solvers) can I ask you whether you have find the ranges in the book valid?
They are very valid. Although understanding the rationale behind the choices by the solvers is more valuable than memorizes the ranges in the book. I think Modern Poker Theory is the best book on poker to date.
Ty a lot man
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