Preflop flatting from BB in mw pots
Posted by 1BuckPlease
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Low Stakes
Preflop flatting from BB in mw pots
There are several times when we have mediocre suited hands like Q4s, Q5s, Q6s, K5s, K8s, etc in BB and we are in the middle of the calling fest. Our hand is not strong enough for sqeueezing and is not weak enough for folding.
For example, BTN opens with: 33+,A2s+,K2s+,Q3s+,J5s+,T6s+,96s+,86s+,76s,65s,A2o+,K8o+,Q9o+,J9o+,T8o+,98o
SB is a weaker player and flats with: TT-66,ATs-A2s,KTs-K8s,Q8s+,J8s+,T9s,AJo-ATo,KJo-KTo,QTo+,JTo
Hero has Q5s with 27% equity and with 20% potodds, which makes the call +EV
My problem is with flatting that we cannot realize our equity in most times.
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