Preflop calling range from SB, SRP?
Posted by Hawkish
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Low Stakes
Preflop calling range from SB, SRP?
Lately I've just kind of come to a mental blind zone regarding this spot. Tightish EP opener (UTG in 6 max, EP in 8 max) opens to 2.5x. Folds around to me in SB. What hands should I be calling with here?
- Assuming AQ suited and better are 3 bets vs. this specific spot
- Assuming my calling range should be rather polar here? Perhaps from AQ off down to maybe AT suited, KJ suited? Then stuff like suited connectors between 87, 76, 65?
Seems like facing an opponent repping strength from an early position forces me out of a lot of medium strength hands here. But like I said, lately, this seems to be a mental block and just wanted to get some input.
Thanks all.
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Its pretty important to take stakes/rake into consideration here. Not quite sure what you mean by „polar calling“ range tbh.
Keep in mind that we face an RFI from the strongest position here and so our continuing-range in general needs to be strong as well.
We also face the problem of beeing out of position through the whole hand. So depending on your skilllevel and the level of your opponent you might only be able to realize 80-90% of the equity of your range.
And this marge also gets eaten up by a huge rake that you pay if you win the pot.
These 3 facts make calling in the small blind unprofitable for the most hands!
To make up for this fact we usually want to add some fold equity to a small amount of hands that we want to play by 3 betting.
The following picture is from GTOwizard 6max and the rake of NL50.
We see some calling, but if you play like nl25 and lower i recommend a 3bet only strategy for this position.
Thanks for the graph, helps me button that down. I generally play 50NL, and in general, the play is relatively suspect, so I think I've slowly started to let calls creep in.
I definitely get the point about rake. Which makes it much more of a 3b or fold scenario. Thanks for the assist Raoul.
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