pre-flop 3bet concepts
Posted by Npennell
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Low Stakes
pre-flop 3bet concepts
So I'm only 5 months in to my poker journey, and I'm working on my pre-flop 3-bet concepts.
I play online micro sit and goes and the odd micro MTT.
My current understanding is we three bet for a few reasons;
1. put opponents in hard spots,
2. Isolate weaker players,
3. reduce number of players in the pot,
4. try pick up pot pre-flop.
I also understand that some of these situations call for merged ranges and others polarized ranges. And that my bluffs should be at the bottom of my ranges and not hands i want to call with but should still have some pliability post-flop
My question relative to how many bluffs in need to mix into my 3bet range.
My math is if theirs an open raise is of x, and i 3bet 3x.
so the equity equation is something like (3x)/(BB+SB+x+3x), assuming no antes and everyone else gets out the way.
if x is from the range of 2bb to 3bb, the equity is about ~63% to ~67%, so if villain folds that amount or ends up losing the pot its +ev.
Any corrections, advice or points in the right direction would be much appreciated, especially if theirs math to back it up. Thanks :)
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It's not easy to directly do the math, because your "bluffs" usually still have a fair bit of equity postflop. And you may be able to realize your equity easier if you 3-bet preflop.
In general, I find that the value to bluff ratio preflop can be anywhere between 1:1 and 1:2 or even lower, depending on fold equity.
You might want to check out this Peter Clarke video. And you can check out the free Pokersnowie preflop advisor for optimal 3-bet ranges. Pokersnowie tends to be a bit tight, which is good when you are a relatively inexperienced player (I include myself in this category).
+1 to using poker snowie to build a foundation for preflop ranges. Its not perfect but its pretty close to solver output for some spots like rfi, 3b ranges, calling 3b etc
Tournament 3bet ranges tend to be different from cash game 3bet ranges simply due to SPR. Hand performance usually change with stack depth. I'm not very well versed in low SPR 3bet ranges but remember reading some interesting stuff in Janda's latest book.
Our goal is to deny our opponent's ability to realize his equity or to reduce his pot share. 3 betting usually accomplish that goal more effectively then just calling.
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