pre all in QQ
Posted by zerocool
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Mid Stakes
pre all in QQ
first hand on the left, villian 4bet samll. what will you do with your QQ ?
second hand, SB got 56bb, i think calling all in is ok.?
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Both super standard. wp
this is QQ all in pre flop. i alway againt AA,KK...
is it suppose to lose money on QQ ?
what bb/100 for this hand?
Your EV adjusted winnings are positive (which by the way shows that "always against AA, KK is biased feeling") - so what's the problem?
Like BigFiszh said your all in ev is posotive you are definetely not always against AA and KK.
total 67h had AA 8h,KK 9h, AK hit 9h, ak miss 15h
total 35h had AA 4h,KK5h, AK hit 9, AK miss 3h
that's right, like 200nl 67hand only 17hand is AA,KK. 500nl 35h only 9h AA,KK
look's like lot of time against AK.
so that mean QQ all in pre can be +EV play ?
all of this hand play at ignition.
i saw 500nl , they all in with AK and missing only 3 hand.
is it mean they don't go all in all the time with AK ,
they go c4b and c3b strategy a lot ?
if QQ is +EV play, how about JJ on co vs BB, BB vs co all in all on late position?
is it profitable too ? sorry for too much to asking :)
It depends. It might be +ev in equilibrium but -ev against most players. However if you play gto monker ranges theres nothing they can do to exploit you. If they stack off too tight, the hands that lose ev vs 5bet will most often go to the higher ev branches of the gametree (when they call 4bet or they fold).
Assuming vs Solver based regs (ignoring fact hand is probably vs fish because of stack size/action):
IP QQ has same ev for call/4b
BU v CO QQ has higher EV calling 4b
So the question is really does the pool 3b/4b/5b at optimal frequency or do they under/overbluff?
I would expect most to be underbluffing making calling 4b with QQ IP (and rarely 4betting IP) to have significantly higher ev than stacking off.
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