postflop theory

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postflop theory

Hello Everyone!

I’m trying to make a summary about my postflop game. I mean a basic that i can deviate from it.

I build my basis to this article:'em-6-Max-17

Actually, I have problems about the basic thoughts:

“How often does Bob have to defend against Alice's c-bet?
We'll assume that Alice's c-bet is to ~3/4 of the pot, which is 6.5 bb into a 8.5 bb pot. Alice risks 6.5 bb to win 8.5 bb, and her pot odds on a c-bet bluff are 8.5 : 6.5. If she wins more than 6.5/(8.5 + 6.5) =43%, her bluffs become automatically profitable.
So we conclude:
Bob needs to defend 100 - 43 =57% of the time against Alice's c-bets to prevent her from having an automatically profitable bluff with any two cards.”

So my main problem is that if this leading directive not deal with the cbeting frequency. Is it a real problem, or I just simply can’t understand something? :-/
I mean if Alice cbets only 10% we have to protect less, and if she cbets 90% we have to make the opposite.
? :-(

PS.: Now we have 2 great BB defense videos, we need a post flop theory video now. :-)


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