Postflop IP vs 3bets

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Postflop IP vs 3bets


Nowadays people 3bet a lot more so calling 3bets IP rather wide, especially in BU vs Blinds is profitable and quite standard. I do have some thoughts/concerns when playing against people that like to barrel.

Consider the situation of 100bb stacks, we minraise BU and get 3bet to 8bb and call IP against an opponent that 3bets about 10-12% in this spot. We assume he is barreling a higher than average frequency after he cbets and he cbets an average amount but we don't know how he constructs his range specifically, we would go by what we know of the standard at let's say NL100. How would you play back? Being IP it's very easy to keep floating with equity but where would you draw the line? Would you have a floating and raising range? My biggest confusion is how could we have both a good raising range (and to what sizing) and a good floating range. Of course texture affects our decision but we can categorize into:

a) low dry
b) medium dry
c) high dry
d) low double suited
e) medium double suited
f) high double suited

That covers a lot of possible flop textures. My first thought was call IP with very good equity and half of strong made hands that can get to showdown and raise weak equity hands and the other half of strong made hands that will have a tougher time getting to showdown though (more vulnerable). Yes, we will still have medium strength hands but depending on potential to improve and value we can get by raising we can include those in one of calling and raising ranges.

It's been a topic I've been thinking a lot and yes it depends on the opponent but we cannot be sure of his range until we see a few showdowns in this spot against him. We do know he is probably overaggressive though so unless we play back in a smart way we are burning money.


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mike 12 years, 2 months ago
well this is a very board question(s) and the answer for me depends heavily on the exact flop texture and of course any reads i might have.

i do believe we should float some, raise some, and of course fold some. most of my "medium" made hands go into my float range and i tend to raise a more polarized range. of course this is texture dependent as on some flop i dont' have a raising range(ie on very dry flops)

in terms of raise size we don't have to raise big to leverage our stack. that is a min raise+2-3bb puts our opponent in a spot where he really needs to decide if he wants to play for stacks

EmanuelC16 12 years, 2 months ago
Isn't the problem with dry flops that you have less live equity anyway so calling down also becomes trickier? I have about the same thoughts as you in theory actually but in practice it's a lot more difficult to apply since you don't have clean outs or many out in general. Do you also increase your folding range on dry flops or do you float just about all backdoors in a situation like I described: average cbet, but when he starts cbetting, he is unlikely to stop.
mike 12 years, 2 months ago
well on dry flops equities are more static but i also think it can be harder for them to double barrel and therefore they will XF the turn more

my calling range on the flop is more about my reads on villain and his tendencies
Andrei 12 years, 2 months ago
I have been thinking about this lately because i'm not defending well enough vs 3bets.I don't think there is a magic recipe that you can follow and print money .It's very debatable because there is a lot of factors to count .However i think that both raise and calling ranges should have only hands with some equity because it's extremely important on the long run .The most important think imo when i want to steal the pot postflop is to always thinking at the best way to represent a big and strong range.
EmanuelC16 12 years, 2 months ago
@repping strong range: Which gets tough on a dry board with a capped range with not so many pairs in your range. That's the feeling I get a lot... on wet boards it's a bit different since we also don't slowplay as much and we have high equity draws, 2 pairs, etc. On dry boards however, we rep little as a caller IP, don't we? It actually makes me think of barreling a lot as 3bettor on dry boards when I block the best overpairs that could call down very often..
Andrei 12 years, 2 months ago
@dry boards
Yes ,you're right .I guess 2 barrel it's a good idea ?I think once he is calling the turn he will call the river close to 100%.

@wet boards
I like raising almost always with my value hands ,nutfd ,weak and medium hands(that cannot stand the pressure by calling) and good backdoors . I'm calling with the rest of my draws( like oesd,low fd because i don't feel comfortable raise calling in a 3betpot) ,medium to top pair and sometimes 2p+ if i know my opponent it's likely to multibarrel .

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