Population Tendencies
Posted by coley1818
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Low Stakes
Population Tendencies
Durring game, or hand analysis we often take into considerarion how population is reacting to different scenarios and what exploitations we can find in their strategies.
I want to ask you to share your thoughts about this topic and what population tendencies u find still exist and are good to have in ur minds durring making analysis.
I would focus mainly on micro stakes NL10-NL25.
For example x/r turn in 3way in general will be seen as very strong underbluff spot but i guess its quite obvious.
And what do u think about bet-check-bet line, for me in general is looking strong, and underbluffed not as first example but still i am giving it a big credit.
People still in general tend to have unbalanced checking range and give up a lot which make stabbing very profitable.
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Any sort of line where population has the initiative and bets flop then develops a x/r range on later streets. Its easier to balance b/b/b lines than protect your range and balance your traps by turning hands into bluffs on later streets, so those lines on average are probably more unbalanced..also boards that are very dry with one high card and bricks where population will need to find no equity bluff combos with good blockers to your call down range. Example A722 ep/mp no bdfd, population will be super strong here on avg imo because they won’t fire enough QJs/JTs etc on turn/river...any spot that involves a lack of natural bluffs and heavy aggression is usually unbalanced, even at higher stakes
If you are using PT4, you can check for player tendencies in Reports/All Players Report
For example some population stats for PS 50z:
Cbet flop: 56.28
Fold to flop Cbet: 45.03
Probe turn: 44.37
Fold to turn probe: 51.38
Probe river: 52.18
Fold to river probe: 60.12
Lets say for example I want to check how population reacts to a flop cbet on a certain board texture on the flop, How much hands do you recomend to start analysing population stats on na example like this?
around few thousand hands on that exact situation should be somewhat reasonable (of course more you get is better result)
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