Pokertracker stats 5max NL 200bb deep

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Pokertracker stats 5max NL 200bb deep

Putting my stats out for my 200000 last hands if someone want to comment something=)

vp$ip 30
pfr 23
3bet 8
4bet 6
cbet flopp 49 (my opponents dosn't like folding)
cbet turn 50
AFq 42
Fold to 3bet 50
ATS (btn) 41
fold flopp cbet 61
W$SD 56

Any other important stat to add?
Any clear leak?


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James Hudson 12 years, 2 months ago
If your opponents don't like folding flops I would think that your turn cbet would be higher because you're mostly betting flops with good made hands and high equity draws. I think you can probably fold to a few more 3 bets (unless you're doing awesome in 3 bet pots atm), and steal a few more buttons. Fold to flop cbet also seems really high, you're letting people bet any two for a profit on most textures. I'd be interested to see your wwsf, fold to turn cbet, fold to river cbet, and 4 bet range.
goofy 12 years, 2 months ago
Ty very much for you answer!
Cbet turn moore semms reasonable!
Im profitably calling 3bets alot playing 200bb lowstakes, but Im soon going up in stakes so then thats a good tip i guess.
I open 3,5bb utg and co, and 2,75bb button, should i open that big from button if i steal moore or should i minraise?
Ok im probably folding to much cbets, ty for telling me!
W$WSF 38
fold to turn cbet 38
fold tto river cbet 30
4betrange is like aa-qq ak, jj and aq against some people and almost no bluffs.

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