Pokertracker stats 5max NL 200bb deep
Posted by goofy
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Low Stakes
Pokertracker stats 5max NL 200bb deep
vp$ip 30
pfr 23
3bet 8
4bet 6
cbet flopp 49 (my opponents dosn't like folding)
cbet turn 50
AFq 42
Fold to 3bet 50
ATS (btn) 41
fold flopp cbet 61
W$SD 56
Any other important stat to add?
Any clear leak?
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Cbet turn moore semms reasonable!
Im profitably calling 3bets alot playing 200bb lowstakes, but Im soon going up in stakes so then thats a good tip i guess.
I open 3,5bb utg and co, and 2,75bb button, should i open that big from button if i steal moore or should i minraise?
Ok im probably folding to much cbets, ty for telling me!
W$WSF 38
fold to turn cbet 38
fold tto river cbet 30
4betrange is like aa-qq ak, jj and aq against some people and almost no bluffs.
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