Pocket Kings vs FD + SD at flop
Posted by Alban Farcy
Posted by
Alban Farcy
posted in
Low Stakes
Pocket Kings vs FD + SD at flop
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players)
MP: $5.07
CO: $5.00
BN: $3.90
SB: $9.83
BB: $5.58 (Hero)
UTG: $5.78
CO: $5.00
BN: $3.90
SB: $9.83
BB: $5.58 (Hero)
UTG: $5.78
Hero is BB with
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There is nothing to say preflop i think
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Here i decided to cbet in order to make villain's range constitued by a lot of Axss and some KJ,KQ,AJ,AQ fold, is my sizing correct ?
I decided to shove against villain's raise because a lot of outs which could be dropped at turn could beat me and by shoving i keep a reasonable equity against his draws.
I decided to shove against villain's raise because a lot of outs which could be dropped at turn could beat me and by shoving i keep a reasonable equity against his draws.
Hi everyone !
I drop this hand against a reg 26/21 3Bet: 12.7 over 212 hands who were playing 8 tables
Is my line correct ?
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I would have bet bigger on the flop but I think its correct other than that
That was i think for my cbet sizing
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