PLO Player learning NLHE: Need some advise

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PLO Player learning NLHE: Need some advise

I have played only 2k Hands. Using Piosolver and watching ofc Rio Vids. But it is really difficult to put people on a range (25NL):
For example I 3bet AKo vs a some what looser RWPC range. Flop comes JhTh5s (SPR4.5). I have AK and cbet and get called turn is 3s. I thought good card to ship as I had no hearts. But I also was thinking: does he 4bet TT+, does he 4 bet all AA/AKo combos? If so how often? Does he raise TT and at least some JJ on the flop? Does he raise sometimes AJ on the flop? The limper (UTG) was a 20/7/2 player: How tight/wide is his Iso raise vs a tight limper?
What I mean is: The preflop range already has a huge impact in NL not to speak of post flop strategy. In PLO you have somehow always equity. But here you are often way way behind, way way ahead.
Another spot was a 3 way pot: I have Top 2 also on JT5s. Flatted CO vs a tight UTG range (14%) and a very tight (12/5/0 ofc small sample 70hands) player flats on the button. UTG checks, I bet 3/4 and BTN raises 3x. I timed out (lol). The main question was: Does he preflop flat AA,KK,QQ and raises flop 3 way IP when my flatting range contains lots of TT/55/JT?

BTW: if there is a skype group looking for an active new member, than just pm me.


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Kalupso 7 years, 2 months ago

Only tricky bad regs and fish flat a 3bet with AA when you are deep and KK is pretty much always a 4bet OOP by thinking players. IP you will see more flats from AK, KK and QQ. Fish also don't 4bet very much but I don't have a good read on how often they call or 4bet KK and QQ.

Doing exercises with FlopZilla/HoldEq equity graph can help a lot with understanding ranges on the flop in 3bet pots.

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