Playing vs capped ranges (NL100)
Posted by jonzocker
Posted by jonzocker posted in Low Stakes
Playing vs capped ranges (NL100)
CO: Player3: 50
BN: Player5: 158.80
SB: Player6: 103
BB: Hero: 100
UTG: Player10: 100
Player1 folds, Player1 folds, Player3 folds, Player5 raises to 2.50, Player6 folds, Hero calls 1.50
Some questions about the hand:
1. How big should I bet the Turn and River?
I think we should not overbet or make it big because the board is so dry and we would not bet our nuts that way. Even if Villain is capped I think a normal 60%-70% betsize makes more sense. What do you think?
2. How much and which hands should I bluff on the Turn?
This is def. a Flop where I do not want to check my good hands again and therefore bet all of them.
Assume that I Cc that Range pre:
TT-22,ATs-A2s,KJs-K6s,Q7s+,J7s+,T8s+,97s+,87s,76s,65s,AJo-A8o,K9o+,Q9o+,J9o+,T9o,98o (27%)
This is my valuebettingrange on the Turn:
66,22,ATs-A2s,K6s,AJo-A8o (73/312 combos)
The hands I check to see the SD:
TT-77,55-33,KJs-K7s,76s,65s,K9o+ (99/312 combos)
Hands that remain: (140/312 combos)
So what is your bluffing frequency here and which hands do you bet?
I think we should bet all of our GS and FD (59 combos), but is that to much/less?
3. On which Rivercards should I continue bluffing?
I think it goes K>6>2 when it comes to the worst bluffing card. We should check the K nearly always with our bluffs and check mostly on 6/2 too.
Q/J/T and any dimond are good because some of our GS and FD got their, therefore we should bluff those cards in a high frequency. Which betsize would you chose?
On an Ace or Qd/Jd/Td I guess an Ps bet-overbet makes sense because Villain will have less Ax and nearly no QJ/QT/TJ and FD on the Turn
On a blank like the 7s I think I want to make Villain indiffernt to call w KX when I do not know him. Given that I bet all my TP+ for value (68 combos). Which betsize would you chose?
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