playing middle/bottom part of my range out of position pre-flop vs a raise
Posted by lamaglass
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Low Stakes
playing middle/bottom part of my range out of position pre-flop vs a raise
So this is a situation I struggle with. I'm in the SB or BB with a good, but not premium hand, say 10js or Kjo. Someone in CO or on the Bt raises, say their numbers are somewhere around 25/17, so they are a little looser than what people usually consider a TAG, but they aren't exactly a cowboy either. In position I rarely just flat call someone's RFI, I'll usually 3bet, especially if there are people who have to act behind me yet. But out of position I am a lot more reluctant to 3 bet someone with the middle part of my range. If I raise and he 4 bets back I'm in a situation I'd rather not be in, if he just calls then I'm still playing out of position post flop, which is also the case if I just flat.
The reason I really hate this situation is the post flop play. If I flat and completely miss on the flop, which is going to happen most of the time, I hate nothing more than flatting off an extra 2 bb preflop then just check folding on the flop. It is about the definition of weak poker in my mind. If I did 3 bet him pre flop and he called do I then C-bet into him with a flop that missed my hand but could potentially have connected with my range?
How do ya'all play these situations?
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