Playing Live

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Playing Live

First, I've only played live (cash) about ten times during my poker career. Yesterday when I played at the local casino some thoughts on liver poker came up. First some info about the game.

Standard opening was between 6-10bb. Despite that pots were very often 3-6 way on the flop. 

Not much 3 betting was going on but when it happened the original raiser basically never folded. 

Games were deep (200-400bb)

Limping was standard

Balancing seemed to be an unfamiliar concept for many. Ex. (I limped KK pre looking to limp raise and got some remarks on the strangeness of not opening it).

How do we adjust to games like this? I instantly constructed a limping range (which I never do online) since I felt like limping was superior than raising with semi strong hands when we firstly had to raise so big and half the table called anyway. 

Also suited connectors and suites aces rise in value since we are so deep. 

What else can we do?

Should we look to open even bigger with strong hands? 

What else?

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