Playing KK from the SB 250bb deep - live aggressive game

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Playing KK from the SB 250bb deep - live aggressive game

I've been 3betting a lot, and playing 3bet/fold from the SB in general. So, Co opens to 3x Btn calls, we SQZ to 12.5bb, BB raised to 27.5bb. 2 folds. What is the right play oop here? My thinking was that because image and positions, we could 5bet-call. But what is the standard?


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OMGDardania 9 years ago

with your image, and in an aggressive game, 5-betting for sure
but standard? hmm, note that villain's got only a little over 10% of effective stack-sizes in. he is not committed at all. thats why i lean towards 5-betting to like 65bb. probably calling it off.

michaelph23 9 years ago

We both were up 150bb

Disharmonist 9 years ago

Prefer calling. Keep villains rainge wide and let him bluff or valuebet incorrectly. Most ppl tend to think that you will rather start calling 4bets if you dont want to be psuhed around than bluff 5betting.

Marty McFly 8 years, 11 months ago

Honestly with 250BB (let's just assume you are playing $750 in a 1-3 game), I like 5bet min-raise folding to a raise/shove sometimes, unless the guy is a complete donk or you are 100% sure he is likely to shove with a wide range, he has exactly AA way too often here. People don't realize how often this scenario comes up. So if it goes open to $15 you 3-bet to $40 he makes it $90 - I like making it $140 and then strongly leaning toward a fold to any raise or shove. He's just too likely to have AA In the spot. Live players who are mostly bad in general, since you were looking for the standard play, arent 6-bet shoving light ever...ever they have aces every time. Just fold and wait for a better spot later on against a bad player.. A scenario where he doesn't shove and he just calls your 5-bet ill often lean towards getting it in on a good board post flop( pretty much any non-Ace flop ) The reason for this is because most live players don't flat pre-flop with aces they just get it in period

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