Playing AQs oop 3 bet pot 200NL

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Playing AQs oop 3 bet pot 200NL

200NL effective $290 - six max

Hero ($290) UTG AhQh $5
CO($400) 3bet $15
hero call HU.

Flop ($33) QxJx8h
CO cbet $11
Hero XR to $29
Co calls.

Turn ($91) Qs Jc 8h 7h
hero $48.50
Co calls.

River ($188) Qs Jc 8h 7h Js
Hero ($199) AhQH ??

What are your thoughts on this river? Are we value betting? If he shoves are we bluff catching?


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RaoulFlush 4 years, 7 months ago

Blockers might be important here as i would expect that Villain will only follow up OTT with unimproved AK/AT with hearts that hero blocks (Or will your pool still be calling any AK OTT?).
So i dont see too many unimproved hands getting to the river (beside 4 combos of KTs).
I would also not expect Villain to go too thin for value here with like KQ/AQ/KK/AA (maybe im wrong about this tbh). So i guess we have more of a XF if we assume that ppl wont be bluffing some 8x/99/TT too often.
So i would say that shoving ourselves is always too thin and vs a bluffy or sticky opponent this could be a XC, but in a vacuum i guess XF might be best.

RunItTw1ce 4 years, 7 months ago

Thanks. River went check check and hero won. Just curious what I would do if he decided to shove. I think tendency confirmed that they are not going to bluff shove river enough and just take little showdown value they have with AK or ATs type hand.

robbo 4 years, 7 months ago

Going for stacks here would be a overplay 290$ deep from this positions. I would tend to call flop and be more polarized, but i guess its fine to sometimes do this. And then shut down either ott or otr.

I think its a fold otr. Probably 0EV call in theory, and we likely se less bluffs i real games from most players.

RunItTw1ce 4 years, 7 months ago

Thanks. Mostly went with XR because of bdfd to go with it. Other AQs hands I would just flat the flop bet and be more polar as you said.

Brady2moss79 4 years, 7 months ago


I'm curious as to why you check raised the flop here, or perhaps more specifically if its what you always do. I can see it being a very small part of a mixed strategy but I would simplify by just always calling. We're at an equity disadvantage vs a decent 3b range and being deeper makes future decisions tougher. This is with or w/o BDFD.

On the turn I think you can obviously continue at a good rate but I believe (I am v rusty) that calling vs raises is leaking money. Just something to run over if you are prone to calling here due to our nut flush potential and the pure size of the pot.

I like the river check and I think you need to call any bet. I think he can find the KT bluffs at some frequency and barring any reads you gotta suck it up, the pot is just so big now.

Glad it went well in the end ;)

RunItTw1ce 4 years, 7 months ago

I think villain will have a lot of air or tough spots in his range. If he has KK here, he is also in a tough spot as i'll have all sets in my range, maybe a frequency of T9s as well. I think AA KK are in a tough spot and I think AK will likely bet the flop, but check back the turn. I also wanna get some protection against TT, 99, ATs, hands that have 6-8 outs as well. Not sure if just calling flop bet and letting them check back turn is correct. Only real hands he can be comfortable with here is JJ. I think the 9 combos of AA-KK are going to be in a tough spot if I triple off. I don't get called often by worse besides sticky ATs or AK, but i'm still ahead of those hands.

I think recently i've been encountering a lot of non standard GTO play and it's rubbing off on me quite a bit. There pool plays very weird, like today I had 2 limpers, I ISO ATo 5bb, both call. Flop comes Kd 6d 4d and the 2nd caller donk bets 2/3 pot. Just makes no sense to me, but have zero equity so just fold. Guess i'm just trying out some new lines. I understand they are not GTO and AQ is mostly just a call on this flop. Just feel like I need some protection.

JoeAdams1 4 years, 7 months ago

c/r flop is fine as he may actually be range betting and people dont 3bet enough.
river could try explo betting like 50 because people don't raise as a bluff enough but i think thats too exploitative as you'll only be doing that with this exact hand. shoving is pretty bad only hand KQ and QTs suited call. the i like is c/c here because he's not bluffing with the ace of hearts so you unblock all bluffs ATs and AK

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