PIO Sizing Theory - Understanding multiple bet sizing strats
Posted by tinyelvis58
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Mid Stakes
PIO Sizing Theory - Understanding multiple bet sizing strats
Hey guys/gals. I'm trying to use PIO to conceptualize when/how to use multiple bet sizings vs a single size as part of my overall strategy. I understand there are pros/cons of each side of the coin (i.e. single sizing simpler to execute, multiple sizing harder to play against...). What I'm really trying to figure out is how much EV difference there is between strategies and how to interpret those results. Here's a quick example to demonstrate my point:
Simulation: 100bb Button Open vs BB defend on Tc9s8s (pot 700, 9700 eff stack)
Scenario 1: 4 flop sizes (30,60,90,160), IP EV 427, OOP EV 273, x56%/bet 44%
Scenario 2: 60% flop size only, IP EV 427.3, OOP EV 272.7, x 61%/bet 39%
Scenario 3: 30% flop size only, IP EV 426.9, OOP 273.1, x 46%/bet 54%
We can see that all 3 strategies have IP EVs that are extremely close (427, 427.3,426.9). Obviously the x/bet frequencies are going to be different as our sizing options change for each scenario. When looking at all of these scenarios it seems as if we should use the simplest option to execute as there is an immaterial EV difference between each.
Am I missing something here? Am I looking at this correctly?
Any help would be much appreciated.
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