PF plays , EV, gameflow etc ....

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PF plays , EV, gameflow etc ....

*** MOD: Moved to Low Stakes [2013-11-12 18:55 CET] ***

Everytime I read  raising 100% if vilain call x%

defending x% vs 2x, x% vs 3x etc ....

we most of the time talk about simple ev pf factors, but we never elaborate how it affects other variations of the session.

IE: if you raise 100% because vilain is folding 60% bb it 's +ev to raise any 2 pf, but because of that he might adjust and start 3betting you more often and so on ....

what I mean is maybe if you woulda raise a bit less often and losing some +ev pf, you coulda keep a less agressive game flow where you had more control on more spots , decreasing the variance and woulda maybe be +ev for u overall

so I 'd like to hear different perspective about this tx  ...

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