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Performing Range Analysis

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Performing Range Analysis

I've recently decided to get back into poker and decided to start with some off the table work to improve my theoretical understanding of the game. I have been looking at some postflop situations with moderately wide ranges and am struggling to determine how to form my postflop strategy for my entire range. Basically, how to I determine what strategy works best for my range? Why is checking my entire range on a certain flop best for example? One recent example that I found challenging was a CO vs BU scenario. Let's say I am opening CO: 22+,A2s+,K6s+,Q7s+,J8s+,T7s+,97s+,87s,76s,65s,54s,A9o+,KTo+,QTo+,JTo
(~27% 354/1326 combos). BU flats my open with let's say: TT-22, AJs-A2s, K9s+, QTs+, JTs, T9s, 98s, 87s, AJo-ATo, KJo+ (~14% 182/1326 combos). Flop is Td 8s 6s. So in this case I have ~53/47 range advantage. What's the best way to determine if I should have a cbetting or a C/R range here? What is the best way to perform this type of analysis? I've been using a combination of Flopzilla, Equilab, and a Word document, but it takes me multiple hours to go through a single scenario. At first I was listing every combo, then tried to simplify by listing combos of two pair+, top pair, strong draws, etc. Flopzilla obviously helps greatly with this, but is there a quick way to seperate out combos that meet multiple criteria? Like in this case 97s overlaps and it takes a while to cover all these combos to ensure that I am not counting them multiple times.

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