Paired flop cbetting & barelling
Posted by KillEV
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Low Stakes
Paired flop cbetting & barelling
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $9.70
SB: $9.40
BB: $7.86
UTG: $3.55
MP: $10.46
CO: $10.35 (Hero)
SB: $9.40
BB: $7.86
UTG: $3.55
MP: $10.46
CO: $10.35 (Hero)
Hero is CO with
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Final Pot
CO wins $1.02
Rake is $0.05
Rake is $0.05
On this flop texture neither player has a really strong range, I think we both hit ~20% or less. I cbet because I'm IP so he shouldn't be calling too wide, and I have 6 outs to turn/river the probably best hand. When he called I'm not sure if he will be floating super light on this flop or if I should assume he has a hand that won't fold. I was thinking about firing 3 barrels because he would tell me at some point if he has a 6x and I have all JJ+ in my range, plus I can river TP quite nicely...
When bluffing this board, should we ever fire 2 and give up? Or should it be more like firing 1 or firing 3?
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Hi, against a fish we lean lean towards check/folding flop to think it over OTR and bluff, Or 3 barreling to make him fold his medium pocket pairs
Cbet 1/3 pot with 100% of your range.
You can barrel on any T+ and I'd go with 2/3-3/4 ott.
Decide otr if 3rd barrel is profitable (might be if J+ rivers).
He did not 3bet preflop, thus you have a range advantage on such a flop.
Betting small on flop, checking back T8s, T9s, A-highs (including some with FD's), 22-77. This allows me to bet around 70ish value hands, and 70 bluffs mostly gutshots, and flushdraws but some two overcard hands too. Will give w/ QJo up on certain rivers, and will probably have two betsizes on the river depending on the hands I'm valuebetting and what portion of his range I think he's most likely to have.
Is his range on this texture really strong? Not really, his value range OTF is ~70combos, his calling range PF is probably ~400combos or maybe even more since he's a fish.
It's very likeley to float this board! So if you bet OTF you have to bet OTT imo.
Second - I use a large sizing on low paired boards on wide/medium wide ranges.
To be honest dont know exactly why, one decent reg (nl1k+) told me to that, and it works :)
Big to discourage floating right? Makes more sense to me to bet small on the flop with almost 100% of our range, get called, and then make it bigger on the turn to fold him out. That way we win pot+cbet againts a floaty range rather than just the pot on the flop.
I wonder why this nl1k reg likes to bomb this flop. I'm sure it does work but it polarises your range a bit more I think, and this is a flop where nobody has much, so if you are polarised and unlikely to have a value hand then guess what...
As I said I dont really know. Maybe because we dont have many value hands on this structure and we are a bit polarized cbetting? Hard to say, if it works I just use it ;)
Oh, I found a movie when he talks about it:
He reccomend:
1. Not to cbet 1/3 on narrow ranges, only in cases when we have enormous range advantage on boards like f.g. KKJ.
2. 1/3 on wide ranges on boards like 2 high cards, one low. 1 high cards, 2 low etc. like "closed" dry textures.
3. Low coordinate and low paired board are great spots for big sizings.
He says thats what piosolver reccomends
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