overpair in a bad node too

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overpair in a bad node too

Blinds: $1.00/$2.00 (6 Players) BN: $200.00
SB: $297.78
BB: $200.00 (Hero)
UTG: $243.22
MP: $421.84
CO: $200.00
Preflop ($3.00) Hero is BB with K K
UTG folds, MP raises to $6.00, 3 folds, Hero raises to $25.00, MP calls $19.00
Flop ($51.00) 8 6 5
Hero bets $51.84, MP calls $51.84
Turn ($154.68) 8 6 5 A
Hero checks, MP bets $51.97, Hero

playing vs canadian rec player. 26/15 but only 40hands. And it is zoom so I don't read much into low sample (maybe rather passive???)

Haven't thought in game about betting small OTT, but it is similar to check.


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Jeff_ 6 years, 3 months ago

another question I would like to ask. How we play river (brick/ and straight-7 or flush)? Only 38bb left

Bingo 123 6 years, 3 months ago

Id probably XF a ton on bad rivers and maybe xc on blanks, But honestly I don't expect a rec to turn stuff into bluff so going to be XF high frequency

Jeff_ 6 years, 3 months ago

pot odds doesn't allow to x/f a lot, maybe on bad run outs. There always enough possibility for clicking buttons or busted FD

Bingo 123 6 years, 3 months ago

pot odds don't allow XF you mean ? Yeah fair point for sure, I now see we get 4:1 on river so I like XC when draws miss that looks good. 7h and rivers like that one can XF still with those odds id think

Bingo 123 6 years, 3 months ago

Hmm XR might be a option as well, when villain stabs a ton of hands like 77,PPs,T9 and stuff when villain is a rec can call those off for sure. We are obv crushed by value range, but with our potsize flopbet we should expect less floats from Ax and we block AK of course. I think its an option vs the right rec.

kalciis 6 years, 3 months ago

meeeh, I think I'm calling here or blockbetting turn myself, he could be protection/value bet hands like QQ-1010's(?) and check/back river. Not so many Ax calling flop here ag pot size bet I think. And folding rivers of Xh,7x,9x4x.

Jeff_ 6 years, 3 months ago

yeah I just called it off, river 3s and gg.
Need to node lock pio for sure, what type of range villain calling vs our turn shove?

Jeff_ 6 years, 3 months ago

that's why it shoves turn, because expect villain to be calling gto range. If I know for sure 99-QQ not folding, it is a happy jam cause it is biggest part of his range. If he doesn't call that, what worse he will show up (except 87,67)

DNegs98 5 years, 6 months ago

If we're going to bet the flop I like betting it with the intention of playing a 2 street game on bricks so I think the sizing is good there although with your less vulnerable overpairs that don't mind seeing the flop get checked back it can be nice to check raise them to try and minimise your positional disadvantage. I don't really like betting the turn just because 1) I don't think the ace is quite good enough for our range to justify continuing with pretty much everything and 2) we're not really going to be able to protect our hand that much, we're not folding any pairs or draws with a small bet and there are no over cards for us to fold, we're essentially just going to fold the floats which didn't pick up any equity which we want to see a river so that they can pair up and pay off a block bet and 3) there is some ev in letting villain bluff some of their floats that we're missing out on by continuing to bet ourselves. I think without a heart or a spade we should be definitely calling turn and without a heart still but I'm not happy about it because I'm likely to give up on the river which makes me unenthused about the call now because we basically never improve and are just hoping villain gives up. There is a fair possibility that villain is protection betting too wide with a hand that you have crushed so on that basis I don't think we can fold this now but kind of hating life in this spot.

akissv7 5 years, 6 months ago

Due to river pot odds if we call and having a bluff catcher would consider villains turn bet as an all-in. So we have to call ~$125 to win ~$400 so we need ~ 31% equity. As board is kinda wet think we might have enough equity to shove on turn and maximize our win if villain has a draw. Still it will be close as villain can have Ahxh and also potentially Ahxx.

IluxaVag 5 years, 6 months ago

I like bet on the turn because i can get value from worse hands like qq jj tt some fd etc. On the river i will play check.

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