Overpair in 3bet pot facing check raise on flop.
Posted by srfcjay
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Low Stakes
Overpair in 3bet pot facing check raise on flop.
Blinds: $0.08/$0.16 (6 Players)
BN: $21.72
SB: $16.24
BB: $16.00
UTG: $33.45
MP: $6.23
CO: $22.39 (Hero)
SB: $16.24
BB: $16.00
UTG: $33.45
MP: $6.23
CO: $22.39 (Hero)
Hero is CO with
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Final Pot
UTG wins $20.70
Rake is $0.98
Rake is $0.98
What bluffs could the villian ever have in this spot? all i have is a bluff catcher, Even if he spazzed out with AK otf im still beat by the river. by the river im certain he has a set. can anyone figure out any bluffs he has on the river here if he even has any. Also is folding the Turn ever an option here?
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Vs some people I would fold on the flop, but call vs most as people shut down with bluffs on the turn sometimes and can show up with weird stuff like JJ or whatever.
Against most people I fold on the turn as I don't see a lot of reasonable bluffs and he needs to be spewing fairly often to make up for the times he has a set/AA.
By the river there's nobody at 25nl I'm calling against.
yeah im never calling river. it has to always be a set here like i cant even think of one hand he plays like this which is a bluff
Consider the possibility that he flatted your 3B with his big pairs. Doesn't improve your situation, but keep it in mind for future spots like this.
Looks fine. Folding turn is a very reasonable option too as it's difficult to imagine too many bluffs playing this way and then betting the turn.
Thanks man
I also consider this a turn decision. By the way do you always 3bet your queens here? Are you ok with getting it in preflop vs UTG?
Depending on player types you can 3 bet a hand like QQ without the intention of getting it in. At lower stakes people will be calling lots of 3 bets and probably not 4 betting all that aggressively.
@ James:
What would you consider a good default 3B range vs UTG? Assuming he has a standard RFI% and no other info. How much would you widen it going from MP --> CO --> BTN?
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