overpair facing an ALL IN OTT!
Posted by MatoStar
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Low Stakes
overpair facing an ALL IN OTT!
Hey everyone :)
I am really curious how would you approach this hand..
Preflop - both 3bet and calling are possible, but I slightly do prefer 3bet, because of bigger rake at micros..
FLOP- I apply range bet with small sizing, especially on these low boards... and then..well theory call, he has got some bluffs such as flush draws and possibly can have 7x hands. 3bet would be an overplay in most cases. Do you think we might start to overfold a bit?
TURN - okay here are my data points why I decided to make slightly explo fold:
1. He is barely value betting worse (rarely A7s or the same hand as mine)
2. My range is well protected (by overpairs and A-high flushdraws)
3. From what I have observed, people are definitely not overbluffing in this line (
To what extent do you agree/disagree with the points above?
Happy and open to discuss :)
My range on every street
Here is my 3bet range vs BTN
This is my flop defend against a raise given his sizing (should be at least 57%, because of MDF), but I think people are generally not raising cbets enough (especially in 3bet pots) and once they do, they used to continue barreling on future streets. So I just overfold up to 5%.
And my constructed turn calling range. Now I do overfold 10%.. not sure if for instance 99 is better call than A4s, or 76s since it does not block his value and do block his bluffs, but possibly 99 beats some part of his value and this should be more important. However, A4s has 9 outs vs JJ, whereas 99 has only 2...
What is the bottom of your calling range in this spot?
I have 62.5bb left (facing 3/4 bet on the turn)
Villain is unknown, seems reggy so far
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I have a preference for flatting here preflop, although I can see your point concerning rake.
I'm a bit suprised that you are using a linear 3betting range in this spot. Why? How do you react to 4bets with the bottom of your range?
Postflop looks okay to me. Don't know what stake that is, and it is somewhat villain specific, but I agree that this is rather underbluffed, so your fold looks fine.
Good question.. to be honest I am not sticking with the posted range 100%.. I posted it just for a simplification, because I do 3bet some % of the time pretty recklessly. For instance 97s,86s.. etc..
Against a 4bet I overfold a bit, my bottom defending range looks like AJs, TT+, AKo, (KQs, AQo)
Preflop you can 3bet 66-88 in mixed freq. you can add some suited connectors and 1 gapper in mix freq as well.
Otf I think population underbluff so you can overfold and call 88 with bdfd.
On flop start- you can 3bet somehand that need protection and have good equity like QQ-AA as villan can raise some 99-QQ vs the cbet.
I would expand your 3 betting range in this situation. When it is folded to the button and he makes a standard open (like in your example) and the small blind folds, the typical players opening range on the button is as wide as my ex-wife's azz. Specifically, I would add A3s, A2s,
A10, KJo, K10o, QJo, Q10o, & J10o and I would expand even further exploitatively against an opponent who has a high aggression factor. I would reduce your preflop 3 bet range against a very tight passive opponent by eliminating A9s-A6s, AJo, KQo, K9s-109s, as these hands are usually dominated by a tight passive raise, even in this situation. As played, I would either shove over the button's raise or fold. I do not like calling as a standard play in this spot unless your play was to call and wait for a safe turn card and then shove yourself. In the actual hand, the turn card of an offsuit 3 should definitely be considered safe, so I would have open-shoved myself on the turn. The button, if he is a thinking player at all (which is very questionable at this limit) knows that this flop is not exactly in your preflop 3 bet neighborhood and is most likely putting you on a total miss with overcards on this flop that would fold to his flop raise. So to sum it all up, for this hand I would have 3 bet preflop and bet, and shoved the flop over his raise given that besides flopping a set, this is about as good of a flop you will get with your specific hand, specifically being in the upper part of your preflop 3 betting range given this specific flop.
Thanks for your opinion, pretty interesting and forces me to think :)
I still do wonder.. if I decide to 3bet shove on the flop what hands would you expect from villain to be calling? Are we okay with getting called only by better overpairs (sometimes 7x) and flushdraws?
To solve this spot we need to know how deep can your opponent think. Is he able to do any sneaky plays, have some AA/KK there? Is he straight as an arrow and plays JJ this way, maybe he is afraid you hitting Ace or flush? If he knows that you 3bet wide he might easily play TT this way. If I had reads that he fast plays draws this way I'd snap it on the turn otherwise if I were playing my A game I'd just fold the flop - the reason for that is there no good turns for us and if he is bluffing we've got ~50%, if he has TT+ we're dead.
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