Overpair facing a flop raise vs limper
Posted by MulderFBI
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Low Stakes
Overpair facing a flop raise vs limper
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $10.80
SB: $10.73
BB: $10.98 (Hero)
UTG: $17.40
MP: $13.56
CO: $10.00
SB: $10.73
BB: $10.98 (Hero)
UTG: $17.40
MP: $13.56
CO: $10.00
Hero is BB with
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How do you play flop vs that kind of a raise? Given passive nature of NL10 playerpool and also the fact that we are propably agaiinst aweak-passive player can we ever exploitatevely fold that flop? If we call is it possible to get to the showdown reasonable amount of time being OOP? I often feel that folding vs that kind of raises is better vs a passive pool because we are often forced to fold many turns. I guess jamming flop is out of question? Thanks
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Why checking flop isn´t an option? Flop is low connected and you are 100+bb deep.
We could call if vilain could overplay 66-TT
But it's hard to say
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