over pair in 3 bet pot 3 way pot
Posted by gaudthegreat
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Low Stakes
over pair in 3 bet pot 3 way pot
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players)
BN: $5.49
SB: $2.36
BB: $5.56
UTG: $9.92 (Hero)
MP: $13.84
CO: $3.30
SB: $2.36
BB: $5.56
UTG: $9.92 (Hero)
MP: $13.84
CO: $3.30
Hero is UTG with
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D is 27/17 over 169 hands / 4% 3 bet pf / 0.7 agg
D 3 bet range preflop is probably very strong vs 2 players like this espcially that im UTG
on the flop, is there any reason to raise here? i just feel like if i call im just gonna face a lot of shove on turn. i still decided to call but decided to fold on the turn especially that there is one more player to act. but my question here is really about flop play cause if i call flop but i have to fold most on the time on turn then i should probably jsut fold flop...??? i dont really know what to do in these spots OOP
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Same thing as the AKo hand you posted in another thread. I'm 4b pre to get this pot HU.
How do we know they will call the 4 bet? Players at these stakes tend to play 5bet or fold. We can't call a 5 bet so 4 betting seems like a waste of a hand here and -ev.
If we have evidence he will flat a 4bet with worse then I think it's worth it, but I dont think that should be our normal line by default.
4 betting isn't a great spot, but I like it better than the other options (playing a 3b pot OOP multiway, folding). It is an icky spot regardless, but I think we make fewer mistakes by 4betting ourselves than trying to play 3 streets out of position against two players in a bloated pot.
Preflop is standard and not worthy of debate really.
Flop I would play the same as a default however you make no mention of how the CO is playing. If CO is a fish, this is probably a fold on flop given BTN is unlikely to stab with overcards. If CO is a tight reg who is likely to be set mining in this spot with 22-TT type hands, the flop is a standard call because CO may elect to stab with AK type hands if he expects CO to play fit or fold postflop.
Once we get to the turn and villain shoves all in it's a clear fold. This is almost never a bluff and he won't do this with worse value hands.
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