over pair facing donk shove on turn in multi way pot
Posted by gaudthegreat
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Low Stakes
over pair facing donk shove on turn in multi way pot
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players)
BN: $7.14
SB: $2.34
BB: $2.23
UTG: $5.14
MP: $4.63
CO: $8.06 (Hero)
SB: $2.34
BB: $2.23
UTG: $5.14
MP: $4.63
CO: $8.06 (Hero)
Hero is CO with
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both villains are unknowed
when SB donk shove on this turn for 2.25X the pot with another player to act, easy fold right?
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Yeah unless he's really stupid.
SB should not have too much 4x but with BTN behind fold, and like have a read would be nice
I'd call.
sizing up preflop at least 3bb, and the flop at least 60% pot, as played i call
i raise .12 from every position what do you guys think of that?
If they fold as much to .12 as 3x, then great. Even .1 is fine as long as they fold the same. The reason 3x is recomended pre in micro is to get fold are more important in micro due to thet rake
we don't want them to fold.. we are in value heavy size up it's nl5..
this is just an easy call. any kind of player that is going to take this line is jut volotile, and is going to lend itself to being a fucking spazzzz. He can do this with Qx, he also can do this with gutters, also he doesn't have much 4x, there are two 4s on the board which mean it is even less likely. Call and love it. Easy call
These comments are all subjective. In micros people aren't bluffing enough. In my personal opinion your fold was fine. What else is he doing it with ? In my experience people overvalue their top pairs ( myself included ) , you have to learn to let it go as an exploitative move at these stakes. If this was against balanced opponents a call would be totally fine.
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