OtB_RedBaron vs. MunEZ_StaRR Flop Overbet 3Bet Pot #2
Posted by Paid_To_Laid
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High Stakes
OtB_RedBaron vs. MunEZ_StaRR Flop Overbet 3Bet Pot #2
Blinds: $25.00/$50.00 (4 Players)
CO: MunEZ_StaRR: $6127.03
BN: cis_san9984: $15179.04
SB: OtB_RedBaron: $5000.00
BB: Bit2Easy: $11298.32
BN: cis_san9984: $15179.04
SB: OtB_RedBaron: $5000.00
BB: Bit2Easy: $11298.32
, , , ,
Final Pot
wins and shows three of a kind, Tens|three of a kind, Tens.
OtB_RedBaron lost and shows high card Ace|high card Ace.
MunEZ_StaRR wins $10048.00
Rake is $2.00
OtB_RedBaron lost and shows high card Ace|high card Ace.
MunEZ_StaRR wins $10048.00
Rake is $2.00
wtf is going on with these flop overbets lol someone enlighten me.
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hey at least he isn't jamming flop like linuslove. I think overbets are good here for protecting your equity. The weaker draws cannot flat your cbet when you overbet like this. That's why i overbet these textures.
Wow! I wish someday i grow a pair to play like this. :)
Easier to do bc 25/50 for him is the same as .10/25 for you or basically 98% of poker world
I think this is similar to the other spot. OtB is representing a big but vulnerable value hand like AA that does not want to play three streets. Betting big folds out a lot of draws and gets maximum value from the top draws and the top pair hands.
The bluffs OtB wants to pick are those that gain from folding out weaker draws and that simultaneously block the flush draws and top pair hands. Hands like AJ or AK with a club make sense. I struggle to think of many other hands OtB could hold.
On the turn, AJ has an easy shove. I think jamming AK is too wild here and I don't see him having much else.
great analysis
Minimizing the number of streets to be played aims to increase equity retention. Specially on a board as wet as this one this is a concern and any raise by IP is the same as raising all in, so in IP shoes very few of his draws want to stack off and OOP can exploit that by charging the maximum against his weaker draws.
Could you expand on your definition of Equity Retention as many poker words/terms can have their very own definition depending on the understanding of the player who use them.
As a many understand equity retention as the part of a range who retain his equity over streets of play.
If I might jump in on that question about definition:
I'm assuming equity retention and equity realization are essentially the same thing (correct me if I'm wrong please). The way I think about it, there are various ways to realize equity depending on your scenario. If you have a vulnerable made hand, like an overpair on a dynamic board, you can realize your equity by getting allin on an early street and ensure that you see 5 cards. This relies on the premise that you have sufficient equity to justify getting allin, however.
If you had a weak draw, you would also realize all your equity by getting allin on an early street, but it would be a losing proposition. You could choose to play weak draws passively in an effort to realize your equity, but in this case that means making sure a smaller amount of money goes in on early streets, such that you get to see 5 cards profitably.
The overarching idea of equity retention/realization (as I interpret it) with various hand types and situations is figuring out the best way to make it to later streets profitably.
Sorry for the delay Odb. I think there is a little difference between equity retention and equity realization. It is possible to overealize your equity on certain spots but it is impossible to over retain your equity.
Suppose that you have AA and there is 6 people left to talk. You have 44% equity (or pot share) against random hands on them. If you want to maximize your equity retention on the spot, you can go all in but it is a sub-optimal strategy. But if you do, you retain your 44% to yourself. To maximize your equity realization you aim to go until the river and see how ranges interact with certain textures and them realize your equity against them.
I saw the over realisation concept on a Apotheosis video and was very insightful. My two cents on it are that some spots that you play somewhat carefully and have probably a higher check frequency that expected by villain makes your range more disguised and them you can over realize your equity vs them.
Thanks guys this is insightful.
Would Otb's valuerange taking this line include any sets or strictly overpairs? Just wondering because in particular QQ and TT seem to block very many combos that have to call down, but I can also see betting smaller or even checking being worse since you give small FD's and SD's a chance too outdraw you.
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