Opinions on range contruction please.
Posted by LeavingWinterBehind
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Low Stakes
Opinions on range contruction please.
What do you think? What would you do different? Im playing 25NL.
Hero SB 3-bet vs Villan BTN
Flop: Ad 9s 4h
Total combos: 308 CB: 55% Check: 45% ( defend 66%) Check-Fold: 15%
"Value" CB: 99,AJs+,A9s-A6s,A4s,T9s,97s+,AJo+,A9o= 98
Bluff CB: 88-55, Kxs(dd,ss,hh (24)), QTs(3), JTs(3),87s(3), 86s(3), 76s(3), 75s(3), 65s(3), 54s(3) = 72
Check-Call: TT+,ATs,A5s,A3s-A2s,K9s,Q9s,J9s, Kqs(3), Kjs(3), Qjs(3), Ato,KQo = 91
Check-Fold: =47
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