Opening range UTG GTO Perspective 6-max
Posted by Chris Bowling
Posted by Chris Bowling posted in Low Stakes
Opening range UTG GTO Perspective 6-max
I'm trying to build my opening range UTG. Everything is pretty standard I feel except I have 2 questions:
1) I've listened to some training videos where the player advocates opening Axs UTG, but folding 89s and worse. I have heard from others that fold A9s and worse UTG, but open 54s+. The Axs give you around 3% more fold equity since they block some hands in your opponents' calling ranges. They can cooler lower flushes. They always have an overcard. Suited connectors can deceptively hit more lower boards your opponent wouldn't expect you to hit. They also have a ton of equity to stay aggressive on.
2) How low of pocket pairs would you open UTG (from a GTO perspective)? Would you open 22 or fold it? What about 33?
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