opening range 5NL
Posted by andrew lishman
Posted by
andrew lishman
posted in
Low Stakes
opening range 5NL
recently just started playing online poker how is this for an opening range at 5NL 6 max as I'm new to the game play quite a tight range
UTG - 77+, ATs+, AJo+, KJs+, KQo (9%)
MP-66+, A8s+, ATo+, KTs+, KJo+, QTs+, JTs, T9s (13.4% of hands)
CO-22+, A2s+, A7o+, K8s+, KTo+, Q9s+, QJo, J9s+, T8s+, 98s, 87s, 76s (24%)
BTN-22+, A2s+, A2o+, K7s+, KTo+, Q8s+, QTo+, J8s+, JTo, T8s+, 97s+, 87s, 76s, 65s, T9o (32.7%)
SB22+, A2s+, A2o+, K5s+, K9o+, Q7s+, QTo+, J8s+, JTo ,T8s+, 98s (32.4%)
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Nothing wrong with starting on the tighter side.
Instead of commenting on how those ranges look as a starting point, what I'd advise you, is to expand your ranges slowly over time. Make sure you understand why you're playing a hand (other than 'cause the chart says so' :p), and go from there. GL!
You can open way wider from all positions but for a beginner this looks good. Like Taaazz said you can expand your opening range over time.
Fwiw "regular" RFI percentages are smth like
UTG 13-16%
MP 15-18%
CO 20-30% (heavily dependent on the btn
BN 45-60%
SB: entirely dependent on the bb, usually 50-100%
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