Open and 3b shoves by shorties
Posted by Marcitko
Posted by Marcitko posted in Low Stakes
Open and 3b shoves by shorties
I've made loads of stacks at NL2 and some at NL5 from calling open and 3b shoves, mainly by shorties. I've yet to see a premium, as incredible as that sounds. 90% of the time it' ace-rag (most often) or a small PP. No idea why they do it :)
My calling range is AJ+ and TT+, even ATs and 88-99 if he's really short.
Regs will do the same so you can overcall an isolation re-shove wider than normal as well (definitely QQ and AK).
I've tried open shoving and 3b shoving premiums to look like the guys above, but when they see you're fullstacked it does not work. For the same reason, I'm very cautious against full stacked open and 3b shoves.
Just wanted to share in case there is somebody not taking advantage of this at the lowest micros.
Still new at NL5 so any experiences with open and 3b shoves (by shorties) at this level are welcome.
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