nut Straight vs competent reg OOP
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nut Straight vs competent reg OOP
None: Jon Doe: $0
Villan 24/20 over 3k(mined) hands. Just sat down so no actuall history between us. Whats the optimal play here considering he is competent reg.
c/r ? bet (how much? do u ever shove here?
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i would X/R flop to represent FD even if he will folds a lot (i do it as semibluffs to)
as played i would bet something loke 1/2 expecting to be call by staights and flush draws, i think if we bet bigger we lose the FD
OTT you wanna bet ~50% pot to keep your perceived range as wide as possible, you wanna bet to "protect" your hand & stack Jx pretty much.
As played, I would check-raise the flop larger than you did (probably closer to 24 dollars) as hands that will continue will continue on this board texture will probably be indifferent to the raise amount between 20-24 dollars. However, one line that would be worth pursuing would be to check-raise smaller, to 18 as igotya suggests, which will allow you to bet half pot the rest of the way.
On the turn, if we had c-r 24 dollars, then the pot will be roughly 56 dollars, which allows for a continuation of about very small at about 16 to induce (which I feel is probably one of the few ways to get money into the pot on the turn with a 4 to a straight)
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